The most difficult rescue horse we ever had. Dory’s full Story. Tenerife Horse Rescue

The most difficult rescue horse we ever had. Dory’s full Story. Tenerife Horse Rescue

The Most Difficult Rescue Horse We Ever Had: Dory’s Full Story at Tenerife Horse Rescue

At Tenerife Horse Rescue, we have seen our fair share of challenging cases, but none quite like Dory. Her journey from a desperate, neglected horse to a beloved member of our rescue family is a testament to the resilience of animals and the unwavering dedication of our team. This is Dory’s full story, a tale of hardship, hope, and ultimately, healing.

A Call for Help

It all started with a phone call on a hot summer afternoon. A local farmer had discovered a severely malnourished horse abandoned in a remote area of Tenerife. The description alone was heartbreaking: emaciated, covered in sores, and barely able to stand. We immediately dispatched a team to assess the situation and bring the horse back to our facility.

First Impressions

When we arrived, the sight was even worse than we had imagined. Dory, as we later named her, was a skeletal figure, her ribs and hip bones painfully visible beneath her dull coat. Her eyes, once likely full of life, were now sunken and lifeless. Flies buzzed around her open wounds, and she flinched at the slightest touch, a clear sign of past abuse. It was evident that Dory had been through unimaginable suffering.

The Road to Recovery

Transporting Dory back to Tenerife Horse Rescue was the first challenge. She was too weak to walk the distance to the trailer, so we had to carefully lift her, ensuring not to cause further injury. Once at our facility, the real work began. Our vet was on hand to give Dory a thorough examination. The prognosis was grim: severe malnutrition, dehydration, and multiple infections.

Our initial focus was on stabilizing her condition. Dory was put on a special diet of easily digestible food to gradually build her strength. We administered antibiotics to combat her infections and regularly cleaned and dressed her wounds. Round-the-clock care was necessary, with team members taking shifts to ensure she was never alone.

Building Trust

One of the most significant challenges with Dory was earning her trust. She had clearly been mistreated by humans, and every interaction was met with fear and resistance. Our team employed gentle handling techniques and positive reinforcement to show her that she was safe. Slowly, she began to understand that we were there to help.

We spent hours just sitting near her, speaking softly and offering treats. The breakthrough came one afternoon when Dory allowed one of our volunteers to gently stroke her neck without pulling away. It was a small victory, but it marked the beginning of her emotional healing process.

A Long and Winding Road

Dory’s recovery was a slow and arduous journey. Physical healing took time, but the emotional scars ran deeper. There were setbacks along the way, moments when her progress seemed to stall, and we questioned if we were doing enough. But giving up was never an option.

We introduced Dory to other rescued horses gradually. Initially, she was hesitant and kept to herself, but over time, the presence of her fellow rescues had a positive impact. She began to socialize, and it was evident that being part of a herd was helping her regain some of her lost confidence.

Finding Joy

Months of dedicated care eventually paid off. Dory’s coat started to shine, her eyes regained their sparkle, and she put on much-needed weight. More importantly, she began to exhibit signs of happiness. She would trot around her enclosure, playfully interact with other horses, and even nuzzle the volunteers she had come to trust.

One of the most heartwarming moments was when Dory, for the first time, initiated contact with a visitor. A young girl had come to the rescue center with her family, and Dory, intrigued by the child’s gentle demeanor, approached her and allowed herself to be petted. It was a poignant moment that brought tears to our eyes, a clear sign that Dory had overcome her traumatic past.

A Symbol of Hope

Today, Dory is a symbol of hope and resilience at Tenerife Horse Rescue. Her transformation from a broken, abandoned horse to a healthy, happy member of our family is an inspiring story of what can be achieved with love, patience, and unwavering commitment. She serves as a reminder of the importance of our work and the incredible impact it has on the lives of animals in need.

Dory’s story is not just about her recovery; it’s about the collective effort of our team, volunteers, and supporters who made it possible. She continues to thrive and brings joy to everyone who meets her, proving that even the most difficult cases can have happy endings.

At Tenerife Horse Rescue, we will continue to fight for horses like Dory, providing them with the care and love they deserve. Her story is a testament to the power of compassion and the remarkable resilience of animals.



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